Thursday, May 1, 2008

T minus less than 1!: Ready for a Good Mystery

Can is possibly be?  Eight short hours and I (we) embark on 'the walk of my life.'  Wow, those key strokes suddenly launched misty eyes---so much to reflect on as we head off on our adventure.  I can hardly believe that the flurry of activity of the last weeks will unfold as I tie up those extra-wide, well worn running shoes in not so many hours.

Today was a blur beginning with a 7 am radio date with Kellie for local broadcast and a morning shopping trip at Trader Joe's with Tony; we are snack ready!  Packing, emails, errands, a swim at grandpa's hotel, the arrival of grandma and a tasty alfresco meal at Oxbow Market--we are well fueled.

My day was truly made possible today by my dear friend Anissa who at the last moment, scooped my daughter up from school and entertained her for the afternoon (actually, I am not sure who entertained who!), leaving me free to plow full steam ahead.  She then capped it with a fresh berry delivery and the process of tying all of my loved ones with orange wristbands in celebration of our adventure.  Giant thank you wonderful friend! 

Hanging above my monitor as I sign off for a quick sleep is a quote that I read often-
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift!

I love a good mystery and I can't wait to see what tomorrow's will be!  The tale of it will be my gift to you, tomorrow.  Good night!

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