Tuesday, April 29, 2008

T minus 2 = AAA, Thank You!

Tuesday, April 29: So here I sit with less than 48 short hours to go and the list, although still long, has more items crossed off.

Today's biggest tasks, aside from my normal duties that involve keeping my 6 and 7 year old kids going, centered on final route investigation, navigation and mapping. In between distributing school sun hats, getting haircuts and evening swim lessons, we managed to hammer out the final details of our routes for day 1 and 2.

My dad and I (with my daughter jabbering away endlessly in the back seat & Swingset Mamas playing their tunes) took a jaunt to the Port-Sonoma Marina to determine if we were indeed brave enough to cross the Petaluma River bridge on foot. My original plan had included finding a kind and willing boat person to deliver us from the east, marina side of the river to the west, boat launch side instead of negotiating the somewhat slim foot path option. I thought my 'ship had come in' last week when I met a young kayaker at the launch that was eager to take us up on our wine for float offer. Unfortunately, he vanished and we are on to plan B. So, I will sharpen my fingernails and hang on tight as we cross that tall, tall bridge. Today's trek also provided a few answers regarding the first part of our day 2 travel plan through the Sonoma River Valley. I sense we were both relieved to take a moment and compare the actual, physical, see-it-with-your-own eyes research to the map and Google images we have been studying for the last couple of months.

After a tasty pasta dinner prepared by my husband, David, the official map session unfolded. Mr. Map (my dad) at the helm, scissors and glue stick in hand, a stack of AAA maps were reduced to a slice of their former selves. Retaining only the sections of the Napa, Sonoma, Novato, San Rafael, Sausalito/Mill Valley and San Francisco that we will actually set foot in, mileage checked, the maps were clearly labeled, marked and put to rest in their moisture sealed Ziploc bag. The request for 'moisture protection' made me a wee bit nervous after determining earlier today that we may have a few unexpected marsh spots on our day 2 walk! In regards to that unknown, the decision was made that we would day-pack our flip-flops on day 2 in the event that we do encounter the need to do a bit of wading. After all, it wouldn't be an adventure, if there were no unknowns, would it?

Busy and full, it was a great day. Unexpected surprises on my doorstep (a lovely new journal and other fun treats), a long day of driving by a friend to Chico to retrieve Kleen Kanteens for the walk , a beautiful bouquet of tulips delivered, more walkers wanting to join in along the way, confirmation of a donated passenger van to transport kids back across the Golden Gate Bridge, many kind emails, a teacher that toured his class through our website/blog, the list goes on. As in my journey of the last FIVE years, this adventure is unfolding on a foundation of wonderful, cool, amazing people that I feel so blessed to have as part of my life. So, with 33 short hours until departure, and six until I have to wake up and be a guest on the local morning radio show, I say thank you all (AAA too!)---what a trip this will be!


Anonymous said...

looking forward to reading more.

enjoy the walk,

Seana said...

Kari and Mike - Fair thee well, Bon Voyage and Adios! The Wagner clan will be with you in spirit on your journey, and look forward to joining you for the final steps. Keep on truckin'!