Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Day 5 + 2: Five Days of Stats

As I settle back  in, return to life as I knew it, and clear my pedometer of 76.53 miles, I thought I would document some of the basic trip statistics.

Day 1:
  • Actual Mileage:  17.93
  • Route:  Napa to Sonoma ( intersection 121/12 & 116)
  • Hills:  minimal, rolling
  • Terrain:  neighborhoods (3 miles), country roads (11.5 miles), railroad (2 miles), busy highway shoulder (1.5 miles)
  • Lodging:  Vineyard Inn, Schelville
  • Meals:  Snack-Domaine Carneros, Lunch-Acacia, Dinner-Hutchinson's home,  Sonoma
  • Walkers:  7 partial day (Mike, Jen, Wendy, Karen, Darcy, David, & me), 4 half day (Mike, Jen, Wendy, & me), 3 all day (Mike, Wendy & me)
Day 2
  • Actual Mileage:  17.52
  • Route:  Sonoma to Ignacio (Novato)
  • Hills: none, flat all the way
  • Terrain:  busy highway shoulder (1 mile), vineyard dirt road road (1 mile), railroad (13.5), river paddle (.75 mile),  country road (.5 mile), city sidewalk (.5 mile)
  • Lodging:  Courtyard Novato
  • Meals:  Breakfast-Trader Joe's trail snacks, Lunch-Angelo's Deli sandwich on the tracks, Dinner-Boca Restaurant, Novato
  • Walkers:  2 all day (Mike & me)
Day 3
  • Actual Mileage:  12.77
  • Route:  Ignacio (Novato) to San Rafael
  • Hills: just a couple small ones
  • Terrain:  railroad (7 miles), city sidewalk (4.5 mile), shopping mall (.5 mile), brushy hillside (.5 mile)
  • Lodging:  Torgersen home (Kari), Embassy Suites San Rafael (Mike)
  • Meals:  Breakfast-Trader Joe's trail snacks, Lunch - Thai food, Northgate Mall, Snack - Three Twins Ice Cream, San Rafael, Dinner-Torgersen Home, San Rafael
  • Walkers:  2 all day (Mike & me), visitors at Three Twins (Annie, Chloe, & Tess)
Day 4
  • Actual Mileage:  16.62
  • Route:  San Rafael to Marin Headlands Hostel
  • Hills:  lots-two major west Marin neighborhood hill crossings, Tennessee Valley Rd. grade, Old Springs Trail to Wolf Summit
  • Terrain:  city sidewalks (8 miles), bike trails (2 miles), mall (.5 miles), country road (2.5 mile), hiking trail (4 miles)
  • Lodging:  Marin Headlands Hostel
  • Meals:  Breakfast:  Torgersen home/Embassy Suites buffet, Lunch:  Delano's Market, Mill Valley, Dinner:  amazing picnic at Headlands
  • Walkers:  5 all day (Mike, Naomi, Cari, Michelle & me),  9.5 final 5 miles (Mike, Naomi, Cari, Michelle, Carolyn, Annie, Shanna, Seana, me & Benson the dog), a couple more join ins on the last stretch (Susan, Mike & Sandee)
Day 5
  • Actual Mileage:  11.69
  • Route:  Marin Headlands to California Pacific Medical Center, via Coastal Trail and Golden Gate Bridge
  • Hills:  YES--lots.  Three substantial climbs on the Coastal Trail and that final, vertical climb on Webster St.
  • Terrain:  hiking trail (4.5 miles), bridge walk (2 miles), bayside promenade path (3.5 miles), city sidewalk (2 miles)
  • Meals:  Breakfast:  hostel potluck, Lunch:  Warming Huts on Crissy Field, Snack:  reception at CPMC, Dinner:  Taylor's @ the Ferry Plaza
  • Walkers:  6 all day (Mike, Shanna, Annie, Cari, Laura, & me), Bridge & 27 other join ins (David D., Calem, Emilia, Marilynn, Janet, Susan, Mike, Anissa, Dave, Gianna, Angelina, Seana, Trey, Cale, Darcy, Rob, Callum, Grae, Kelly, Carleigh, Lori, Geoff, Sophia, Isabel, David T., Jyl, Keaton)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am embarassed to say this, but I am sore from the Golden Gate Bridge!!! Here's a memory for you: Carly wrapped up in the first chain of a yellow chain of balloons, dancing around and shouting "I am the wind" while waiting for you guys to come down from the headlands hills.

When we started across the bridge, I grabbed the tail of "the wind" and the two of us ran about a third of the way across. No wonder I was sore....I DON'T run. (Hike, paddle, walk, swim..but run? Only for her). Anyway, we stopped many times to look at the water and saw wet finned backs breaking the water, looking just like....DOLPHINS!

Sigh...blessed life. WE are so glad you are here Kari.